Monday, November 17, 2014

AS - cover work for Tuesday 18th November

During my absence, please complete the following work

  • Develop a timeline infographic to show all sporting development from 1800 - 1950.
  • Ensure you give suitable examples of significant milestones, key terms, role of institutions for rationalisation and codification, images, key individuals.
  • This must incorporate all social classes.
  • Split the workload between you, I would suggest this is done on more than one piece of paper!
This is to be handed in on Thursday.

Ergogenic Aids - Michael and Hanna

Ergogenic Aids - Ryan & Gabi

Ergogenic Aids - Jordan and Catriona

Saturday, November 15, 2014

A2 - cover work for Sunday 16th and Monday 17th November

Please complete the following work during my absence:

  • Log onto, you should have the log in details, if not they are on my desk.  Complete a podcast on the four categories of ergogenic aids you have looked at.  Consider the following:
  • Performance enhancing effects
  • Legality
  • Performers likely to use it
    • Remember this is the short term technical so we should not be looking at items such as blood doping or anabolic steroids

  • Read through the links below on preparation and holding camps, make notes on the benefits and reasons athletes may consider these camps at different points of their preparation.
  • Do a comparison table between holding and preparation camps
  • Design a suitable holding camp location for Great Britain athletes at the Rio 2016 games and the London 2017 world athletics championships.  For the athletics you may want to consider the camps used by various teams for the 2012 games.
  • Ensure you justify your choice of location with relevant theory aspects.