Tuesday, November 29, 2016

A2 - Theories of Leadership

Review the different leadership theories from the Prezi (Trait, Social Learning, Interactionist) Then complete the following 20 mark question:

Some sports’ psychologists state that ‘good leaders in sport are born and not made’. Critically evaluate the trait, social learning and interactionist theories of leadership. Describe how autocratic and democratic leadership styles might affect lifestyle behaviour. [20]

This needs to be completed by Friday when I will collect your books in. Here is the

Examiners report on the question you are attempting:

Most candidates explained the leadership theories well but too many failed to evaluate these theories. Those that tried to balance the nature and nurture theories did well and also gave good practical examples to illustrate their points. Some candidates did not answer the second part of the question and could not then access the upper levels of the mark scheme. Those that did gave a good account of autocratic and democratic leadership styles. The better candidates linked these styles to behaviour related to a healthy lifestyle as required by the question. The best candidates wrote in a fluent style, used paragraphs and demonstrated purposeful planning.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

AS - Aggression theories

Use each of the theories to explain the aggression / assertion in the video below.

Using the videos below, explain which theory of aggression may explain the aggressive / assertive behaviour that is demonstrated.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

AS - Persuasive communication

For the lesson on Friday.  Watch from 5.50 onwards and make suitable notes.

Then complete the questions on attitude that are on my desk.