Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Y12 - EAPI

Look at the common skill based mistakes that you identified last week.  Write up the following:

What the perfect model of these skills would look like (use correct movement terminology, flexion / extension / rotation etc.)
Progressive practices that you would use to develop these skills.  Aim for 4 / 5 progressions.  Start assuming you are taking them back to the cognitive stage and move forwards from there.

Hand these into me at end of lesson.  I also need the video you completed your homework analysis on please.

Friday, March 2, 2018

EAPI videos

Videos for your snow day EAPI, all details on Firefly

Observe for 10 minutes before compiling notes then completing your EAPI on a voice note.




Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Y12 - Attribution 2

Ffion, I am not in school today, please can you look to move on with your understanding of the Attribution Theory.
Your book will be on my desk.

Following on from last lesson, go online and find two more examples of managers / players being interviewed after a match.

Look again at possible reasons they won or lost their last game.  Split into one of the four categories:
  • Internal stable (ability)
  • Internal unstable (effort)
  • External stable (task difficulty)
  • External unstable (luck)
Look at the following Padlet:

Attribution Padlet

This is from one of my previous A-level classes.  Look at the reasons they wrote down, they have for the most part put them down as controllable, uncontrollable, short term or long term aspects.  Now you need to add in which of the four categories from above each reason they stated falls into.

The diagram below can be used to explain the attribution theory.  Using the diagram, aim to explain the attribution process, use examples that you have already looked at to illustrate your answer.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Y12 - Group and team dynamics

Go to 'slide' number 22 on Steiner's Model and read through to 'slide' number 43 on Influences that cause social loafing.  Ensure you take suitable notes.

Consider the groups / teams listed below.  Then list in order the groups that require the highest level of cohesiveness.  Justify your order.
4 x 100m relay
Rowing quad
Tennis doubles
Hockey team
Volleyball team