Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Y12 - Memory models

Note down everything Andy Murray does or thinks in detail.

Put into information processing categories:
INPUT - Concerned with identifying what is happening to the ball/environment
DECISION MAKING - Concerned with making decisions about where to move and what to do
OUTPUT - Concerned with making an appropriate movement as a result of the decision

How can a coach improve a players selective attention? (3)

Learning and performing movement skills often involves the use of the memory process. 
Describe the multi-store memory process when performing movement skills. (4)

The Multi Store Model is one way of understanding the role of memory in developing movement skills.
Using practical examples, explain each part of the Multi-store model of memory in developing movement skills.
Describe strategies that may improve memory storage (10)

Monday, December 2, 2019

Y12 - Guidance

Watch a development of freestyle in swimming.  Then, complete the document. Be detailed in your responses.

When you have completed the sheet for swimming, find another video from Youtube detailing the skill development from another sport and do the same again on the sheet with the blank centre.