Sunday, April 26, 2020

Y12 - Group and Team Dynamics

1) Consider the groups / teams listed below.  Then list in order the groups that require the highest level of cohesiveness.  Justify your order.
4 x 100m relay
Rowing quad
Tennis doubles
Hockey team
Volleyball team

2) Reflect on a sports group/team you joined and describe in a paragraph for each section how the stages detailed below developed. Were any strategies put in place to support a particular stage, e.g. captains assigned.

1) What is meant by cohesion in the context of teams (4 marks)
2) What advice would you give to a coach of a team to ensure maximum productivity? (5 marks)
3) How can social loafing be reduced? (3 marks)
4) What factors stop a team ever performing to its true potential? (6 marks)

Hypothesise what the Lions will need to consider to ensure is in place to ensure they reach their potential productivity on any given tour.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Y12 - Social Facilitation

1. Draw the Drive Theory graph.  Plot on it with an 'x' where the effect of an audience, and therefore increased arousal to produce a dominant response would be for the following different scenarios:

  • Introvert v Extrovert
  • Beginner (cognitive/associative) v Expert (autonomous)
  • Simple skill v Complex skill
  • Gross skill v Fine skill

2. Consider a moment where a sports person has succeeded or failed in their sport.  It may be them winning an event or competition, or choking and not executing the skill effectively causing their side to lose or for them to be punished e.g. sent off.

Find a video of the event and link it to your answer on the Padlet.

Explain how the performer has been socially facilitated or inhibited based on the performance they have executed.
Social Facilitation/Inhibition Padlet

  1. Zajonc states that when an audience is present, arousal is raised.  Explain how different levels of arousal affect those performing sport in front of an audience.  Refer to in your answer: Type of task involved, ability level of the performer, personality of the performer (5 marks)
  2. Explain the causes and effects of evaluation apprehension on sports performance and lifestyle behaviours (6 marks)