Monday, March 19, 2012

Year 13 students

As day two of the GCSE practicals are going on tomorrow I need you to complete the following pieces of work:
  • Research the Athlete Career and Education Programme (ACE) for Australian athletes
  • Watch this clip - AIS in Canberra - and note any additional information you had not picked up in your previous research.
  • For Australia, East Germany & USA draw up seperate flow diagrams showing the stages an athlete goes through to reach the elite level in each of the countries
  • From that, draw up a discussion piece that compares what has been taken / modified from one country and used in another system.  Has the strategy that was taken been adapted successfully?
So on Thursday you are to bring with you the work I have listed above along with:
  • Overview of the AIS
  • The research you found on the Super Roo bike (I am not expecting this to be a copy and pasted article from a website)
  • The questions I gave you on the USA system.
If you encounter any issues please see me before Thursday

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Year 13 students

Please do some research on the structure of the AIS, you can find a web link on the right hand side of this page.

Then look into the 'Super Roo bike', research how it was developed in conjunction with the AIS.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Year 13 students

Peter Uihlein
Have a watch of the short series above, come back ready to discuss the life of a College athlete.