Monday, March 19, 2012

Year 13 students

As day two of the GCSE practicals are going on tomorrow I need you to complete the following pieces of work:
  • Research the Athlete Career and Education Programme (ACE) for Australian athletes
  • Watch this clip - AIS in Canberra - and note any additional information you had not picked up in your previous research.
  • For Australia, East Germany & USA draw up seperate flow diagrams showing the stages an athlete goes through to reach the elite level in each of the countries
  • From that, draw up a discussion piece that compares what has been taken / modified from one country and used in another system.  Has the strategy that was taken been adapted successfully?
So on Thursday you are to bring with you the work I have listed above along with:
  • Overview of the AIS
  • The research you found on the Super Roo bike (I am not expecting this to be a copy and pasted article from a website)
  • The questions I gave you on the USA system.
If you encounter any issues please see me before Thursday

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