Sunday, September 16, 2012

Year 13 students

Monday 17th September

There is a very good chance i will not be in for your first lesson, will hopefully make it in for your second lessons.

We are moving away from short term physiological to fatigue & recovery process.

To start with, have a look at the slides on the Prezi below. This covers in simple terms the three energy systems we utilise to regenerate ATP so that we can continue working at our desired intensity.

After looking through these slides i want you to consider how these systems work alongside each other. Make notes on the three systems (you will be using these notes to complete a task summarising the 8 main points of each system) and then decide what percentage of each of the systems (ATP-PC, Lactic Acid, Aerobic) are used by the following sports people:
Shot putter
Marathon runner
Tennis player
Centre in Netball.
For each of the examples include a paragraph of justification for your percentages.

E.g. 800m runner - ATP PC = 30%, LA = 65%, Aerobic = 5% then followed by your justification as to the figures.

Following on from that, go to the following link:
Then watch the video on the page, summarise the video with regard the Central Governor and then use Sweet Search (actually use it this time and not just Google) to find out additional information on the Central Governor, ready to feed back in lesson 3 (if im back) or our next lesson.

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