Monday, March 25, 2013

Year 12 students - theory and coursework reminders

I am on the GCSE moderation during our next lesson.  We need to do some work on the last elements of theory with me. 
You should remember the definitions of health, exercise and fitness from your GCSE PE course.  Refresh your memory on these definitions and then complete the following tasks in your books:
  • Make notes on 'the rate of fat loss'
  • Define Basal Metabolic Rate
  • What is the link between BMR & weight / fat loss?
  • What factors are involved in the raising or lowering of BMR?
  • Consider reasons for the above.
A reminder that your training analysis evaluation and your full notation work  - below, on Thursday.
(first notation on yourself and evaluation, elite performer notation and evaluation, comparision of elite performer to yourself, your second notation and evaluation, final evaluation comparing how you have improved between your two notations)

I have only been copied into one email with regards the requests for your coaches to complete the testimony on yourself.  Conor and Kenny, you need to send yours.

You will have your overall feedback on all elements of 2.4 emailed to you by the end of Thursday.

Remember, i recommend that you send me drafts of your strengths and weaknesses a couple of times over the holidays.

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