Thursday, March 20, 2014

A2 - Sunday 23rd March

Condense the UK system into four 'trigger' words to assist with your planning of questions in this area.

Complete the comparison questions below:
Comparison questions…
1.Explain the differences between sport in American schools and colleges, and sport in the UK school/college system.  (6 marks)2.Discuss the impact of Australia on elite sport in the United Kingdom and the problems associated with trying to incorporate elements of a different country's system into our own.  (8 marks)3.Explain why there may have been problems when Australia adopted parts of the East German sports system and discuss Australia’s policy.  (8 marks)
Choose any one of the responses from the three questions above and complete an audioboo for it.  Title the audioboo 'A2 - comparison between centers of excellence'.

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