Tuesday, September 30, 2014

AS - Comparison from play to sport - Kristen

AS Comparison from play to sport - Tristan

AS comparison from play to sport-James

Play to Sport - Liam

Monday, September 29, 2014

AS - Conor - opportunities for participation

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Carbo Loading - Michael

Carbohydrate Loading JF13VH

Carbohydrate Loading


Thursday, September 11, 2014

A2 - Work to be completed by Sunday 14/9/14

1)  Justify the reasons why creatine loading is not an illegal practice in sport. In your answer you need to refer to:
  • Athletes who would creatine load
  • Process of creatine loading
  • Effects of creatine loading on the body

2)  Outline the structure a novice distance runner would have to follow to ensure they complete a full carbohydrate loading programme.

The creatine loading question needs to be completed as an essay, the carbohydrate loading question needs to be completed via Audioboo.

A2 - Energy systems overview

A2 - Warm up