Sunday, April 5, 2015

A2 - Revision

Dear all,

I hope that you have had a restful break, but that you are also starting your revision in ernest.

I will be checking up on the work you should have completed whilst I was away when we return.  This will finish up the course and now allow us to start the revision process.  Most of which will be focusing on the 20 mark questions.

To help with your depth of knowledge application I want you to analyse the pdf that is below.  I understand that some of the detail is cut off the side, but there is still enough on there for you to analyse.  It is information concerning an individuals performance in a half iron man, ordinarily there would be a swim but in this instance there wasn't.  So it was a 5km run, 90 km bike and 21km run.  The event took place in Abu Dhabi.

Discuss the long and short term considerations the athlete would have to undertake.  Aspects you may want to consider include:
  • Energy systems
  • Dietary manipulation, before, during and after the event
  • Environmental factors on performance - heat in this instance
  • How anxiety may control the performer
  • Ergogenic aids - specific kit in the short term and how it may have influenced their performance in the long term with technique
  • Recovery process - this is predominately after training / race but may include in the transitions
  • NACH vs NAFF
This is not an exhaustive list.

The most important aspect is your application of the theory to the context that is shown on the attached document.

Please complete for the end of the first week back - Thursday 16th April.  Email me with any issues you have.

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