Friday, December 4, 2015

AS - Friday 4th December

After going back to look at A&P with Mr Richards you are now back on skill acquisition.

Watch the video below on ability making relevant notes.

Once you have watched it, go back to your response that you completed to the question on either a high jumper or a snowboard jump.  In a different pen extend the answer by explaining which types of ability the athlete would require to complete that specific skill.
You may want to use pages 136 - 137 in your textbooks to assist with extending this response.

Your skill continuum sheets and completed answers to these tasks.  Along with your A&P questions need to be completed for Mondays lesson.  Please ensure you have these with you.

Have a good weekend.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

AS - Tuesday 1st December

I hope that you enjoyed the first day of your Advent Calendars!

Now you have looked at skill continuums, placed activities onto those continuums and looked at practices which can improve skills based on the continuums you need to complete the following written task.

For one of the following skills you need to justify where it would fit on the relevant continuums before then designing suitable training session to develop this skill.  Keep referring to suitable theory as a way of explaining your answer.
  • High jump
  • Snowboard jump
This should be completed in continuous prose and remember to plan with 'IDEAS'

A2 - Tuesday 1st / Friday 4th December

Please complete the two sets of questions which are on my desk.  These should be completed by the end of Friday 4th December and handed in when I return.