Thursday, December 8, 2016

AS - Attribution

Following on from last lesson, go online and find two more examples of managers / players being interviewed after a match.  (Your choice is added in below)

Look again at possible reasons they won or lost their last game.  Split into one of the four categories:
  • Internal stable (ability)
  • Internal unstable (effort)
  • External stable (task difficulty)
  • External unstable (luck)
Look at the following Padlet:

Attribution Padlet

This is from one of my previous A-level classes.  Look at the reasons they wrote down, they have for the most part put them down as controllable, uncontrollable, short term or long term aspects.  Now you need to add in which of the four categories from above each reason they stated falls into.

The diagram below can be used to explain the attribution theory.  Using the diagram, aim to explain the attribution process, use examples that you have already looked at to illustrate your answer.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

AS - Steiners Model, Ringelman Effect and Social Loafing

Go to 'slide' number 22 on Steiner's Model and read through to 'slide' number 43 on Influences that cause social loafing.  Ensure you take suitable notes.

Consider the groups / teams listed below.  Then list in order the groups that require the highest level of cohesiveness.  Justify your order.
4 x 100m relay
Rowing quad
Tennis doubles
Hockey team
Volleyball team

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

A2 - Theories of Leadership

Review the different leadership theories from the Prezi (Trait, Social Learning, Interactionist) Then complete the following 20 mark question:

Some sports’ psychologists state that ‘good leaders in sport are born and not made’. Critically evaluate the trait, social learning and interactionist theories of leadership. Describe how autocratic and democratic leadership styles might affect lifestyle behaviour. [20]

This needs to be completed by Friday when I will collect your books in. Here is the

Examiners report on the question you are attempting:

Most candidates explained the leadership theories well but too many failed to evaluate these theories. Those that tried to balance the nature and nurture theories did well and also gave good practical examples to illustrate their points. Some candidates did not answer the second part of the question and could not then access the upper levels of the mark scheme. Those that did gave a good account of autocratic and democratic leadership styles. The better candidates linked these styles to behaviour related to a healthy lifestyle as required by the question. The best candidates wrote in a fluent style, used paragraphs and demonstrated purposeful planning.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

AS - Aggression theories

Use each of the theories to explain the aggression / assertion in the video below.

Using the videos below, explain which theory of aggression may explain the aggressive / assertive behaviour that is demonstrated.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

AS - Persuasive communication

For the lesson on Friday.  Watch from 5.50 onwards and make suitable notes.

Then complete the questions on attitude that are on my desk.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

AS - Cover, Monday 10th October

Apologies for not being in the lesson today, I will collect your prep in during our next lesson.

Use the link below to watch a development of freestyle in swimming.  Then, complete the document which is attached to the task on Firefly.  There should be a hard copy in the PE office.  The document is an opportunity for you to apply the theory from the course into the context of swim skill development.
Be detailed in your responses.

How to learn swimming

When you have completed the sheet for swimming, find another video from Youtube detailing the skill development from another sport and do the same again on the sheet with the blank centre.

Friday, May 27, 2016

AS - EPIP videos

Lizzie - Track Cycling

Jade - Netball - analyse red GA or GS

Amy - Swimming

Lois - Hockey

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A2 - Tuesday 12th April

This was originally set before the Easter break.  Ensure you work through creating this Padlet ready for our lesson on Friday to review topic areas.

Use the following Padlet to create a revision source.

Double click anywhere on the Padlet.

Add in evidence information on the case studies.  This resource will be an ongoing piece of work as we head into your exams.

You can both work on the Padlet at the same time and add in attachments from documents you find along with videos from YouTube.

Along with Google please use which is a more academic focused search engine.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

AS - Cover for Tuesday 15th March

Please complete the following written tasks:

Choose a practical skill from one of your sports.  Design a skill drill that aims to develop that skill.  Discuss, in writing, how Thorndike's Law can be applied to your drill.

Discuss how appropriate use of reinforcement in skill learning can then develop a persons approach to a positive, healthy lifestyle.

A2 - Cover work Tuesday 15th March

Use the following Padlet to create a revision source.

Double click anywhere on the Padlet.

Add in evidence information on the case studies.  This resource will be an ongoing piece of work as we head into your exams.

You can both work on the Padlet at the same time and add in attachments from documents you find along with videos from YouTube.

Along with Google please use which is a more academic focused search engine.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

AS - Cover work for Friday 4th March

Ensure the application of theory to the three videos is complete.

Then answer the following question which brings out most of the theory work:

Evaluate critically the effectiveness of using part and whole practice methods in the learning of movement skills.

It asks you to evaluate critically so you need both positive and negatives for each practice method.
Identify which type of skill / type of performer these practice methods would benefit.
Draw in other elements of theory as appropriate.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

AS - Cover work - Tuesday 1st March

Using the hexagons that you created yesterday as a way to structure your response - watch the video below of the penalty flick.  Describe / explain the processes the performer would have gone through to acquire this level of skill.  Start with the continuum's and use the links you created on the hexagons to finish the response.

This should be around one side of A4 and be written in continuous prose, ensure you use appropriate structure in your paragraphs.


Monday, February 8, 2016

Friday, January 29, 2016

A2 - Cover work - Friday 29th January - Athletics

AS - Cover work - Friday 29th January

Knowing how much you enjoy these screencasts…I would like you to watch the one below to reinforce the learning we have done on Schema during this week.

Then use the mind map as a resource to complete the following task.

Exam-type questions tend to fall into three main categories:
• Those that ask about the four main sources of information used during a skill: initial conditions, response specifications, sensory consequences and response outcomes and what they actually mean – what’s happening; what do I need to do; how did it feel; what happened?
• Those that ask to distinguish the components of either the recall or the recognition schema and how/when they work – recall before and recognition after skill attempt
• Those that ask how to make sure suitable schema develop – learn simple skills first; vary practices; develop recall schema

Now come up with three potential questions that you feel could be found on an exam.  Consider the wording (Explain, Discuss, Describe, Evaluate) and if there needs to be application to a sporting context.
Come up with the bullet pointed mark scheme for each of the questions.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

AS - Wednesday 20th January

Get into two groups.

The following slides have information on about various factors that affect how we make choices and our reaction time. Your group will be assigned one of these, please work this out between yourselves:

Hicks Law or Single Channel Hypothesis

You will all work on the Psychological Refractory Period.

Your task is to come up with a sporting or otherwise athletic demonstration of how each of these works.

At the end of the lessons you should be prepared to do a 3 minute presentation to the rest of the class explaining the factor you worked on in your pair, plus the Psychological Refractory Period.

This presentation will happen on Friday.