Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Y12 - Memory models

Note down everything Andy Murray does or thinks in detail.

Put into information processing categories:
INPUT - Concerned with identifying what is happening to the ball/environment
DECISION MAKING - Concerned with making decisions about where to move and what to do
OUTPUT - Concerned with making an appropriate movement as a result of the decision

How can a coach improve a players selective attention? (3)

Learning and performing movement skills often involves the use of the memory process. 
Describe the multi-store memory process when performing movement skills. (4)

The Multi Store Model is one way of understanding the role of memory in developing movement skills.
Using practical examples, explain each part of the Multi-store model of memory in developing movement skills.
Describe strategies that may improve memory storage (10)

Monday, December 2, 2019

Y12 - Guidance

Watch a development of freestyle in swimming.  Then, complete the document. Be detailed in your responses.

When you have completed the sheet for swimming, find another video from Youtube detailing the skill development from another sport and do the same again on the sheet with the blank centre.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Y12 - Monday 25th November

My apologies again.  I need to be in hospital for an appointment for one of my sons this morning.

Please complete the four sheets below.  There should be hard copies on the desk in my office.

Then please consider and complete the table/'take it further' task'

Monday, November 18, 2019

Y12 - Monday 18th November

Apologies for not being in your lesson today.  Will be there on Wednesday and will work through the assessment you sat last week.

For todays lesson:
Collect the 4x4 grids you completed last Monday, reflect on the feedback on them.
Work through the A3 4x4 grid (to be found on my desk) as a group.  Am particularly interested in:

  • Justification of the methods of training chosen, linked to the continuums.
  • Detail in the explanation of how a theory of learning would impact how the skill is learnt.

Take the A3 comic strip - complete in a diagrammatical comic book style, the process someone would go through to learn a forward somersault.  Consider the methods of training you would use and how your knowledge of a suitable learning theory would impact how it is delivered.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Y12 - Theories of Learning

  1. Recall five key words or phrases you would use to explain each learning theory in an exam answer. Give an explanation for each key word or phrase.
  2. Apply each theory to the learning of a skill from your chosen sport.
  3. How might each learning theory be used to encourage a balanced, active and healthy lifestyle? For example, how might you use each theory to teach someone to eat healthily?

Monday, September 16, 2019

Y12 Podcast Reviews...

After you have listened to your chosen podcast, click on the link below and complete a summary of your main takeaways from what you heard.

Podcast Reviews

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Y12 - Start of the year!

TED talk

Listen the the talk from David Epstein.  Be prepared to come back on Monday with your main points of interest.

Talent Equation podcasts

Go to the Talent Equation site.  Find a podcast that interests you.  Aim to see if the blurb identifies if it is on skill acquisition.