Friday, April 20, 2012


To both year 12 & 13. I hope you hav had relaxing break whilst also getting a good amount of work done. As we get ready for one last push before the study leave I wanted to give a couple of reminders.

Year 12:
  • The coursework support session is on tomorrow (Saturday) 3 - 5pm.  You do not need to stay until 5pm if you do not want to, if you only have a couple of questions and want to clarify a couple of points and then leave that id fine.  The aim is for you to be able to ask any specific questions ahead of the final hand in.  Come with any specific questions you may have on any of the elements.  Your video editing should be 99% done by now.
  •  Remember to hand in the different pieces of work you were set before the holiday, especially the research on your designated countries.
Year 13:
  • Exam question in exam conditions on Sunday
  • Full mock exam the following week
  • Revision in the other lessons of the week
  • If during your revision prep and work over the holidays you have come across any particular question, write them down and hand them in on Sunday.  If there are any reoccuring themes i will address thosei the lessons and in revision tasks.

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