Thursday, February 2, 2012

Year 12 Students

Some clarification:On Sunday 5th February you are handing in your 16 training sessions for 2.1 (8 for each sport, but not Athletics at this moment) showing the evidence that you have completed your practical or coaching performance over an 8 week period.
The following Sunday, 12th February, you will be handing in your 16 session plans from your personal training analysis (2.4).  Ideally 8 on the fitness component(s) you have worked on based on your fitness testing and 8 on the skill you worked on based on your first notation.

From that point forward you are then able to:
  • Retest yourself and complete your evaluation on the training analysis.
  • Complete your second notation on yourself followed by the conclusion
  • Be ready to start the final part of 2.4 (strengths & weaknesses) after the February holiday
Finally, get a dropbox account on your laptop, choose the free option.

Any questions on this then please email me over the weekend.

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