Saturday, February 4, 2012

Year 13 students - cover work

As I mentioned on Thursday, I am not in your lesson on Sunday.

As a result please complete the following work:
Without your notes complete the following quick fire questions, there may be a couple of questions where you do actually have to use your textbooks for a little research.

Then, find three pictures of sporting performers completing a movement, e.g. Basketball player in the preperation phase for a pass.
Then annotate the pictures explaining
  • What has just happened,
  • What performer movements have been seen,
  • What are the external conditions and internal states felt by the performer (research possibly needed)
This will show how performers use mental pictures on the move, how various movements and options are taken in and used in a split second. We will discuss your findings on Tuesday.

This needs to be completed in the Sunday lesson and brought to the lesson on Tuesday.  For the pictures use a computer in the library.

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