Monday, October 1, 2012

Year 12 students - Unit 2

As I will not be in your lesson on Wednesday I want you to make a start on your Unit 2 work, which will be handed in and discussed the following Tuesday.
The booklet below is an overview of what is required from you for your 2.1 and most of your 2.4 work.  For 2.1 you require to be assessed in two sports / roles and provide the necessary evidence via video and written work as to the level you are performing at through the course of this academic year.

We will discuss the paperwork requirements for this next week.  For this lesson i require you to start on the design of your notation table for your 2.4 work.  In the booklet is an exemplar of a notation.  I require you to devise your own notation for your main sport you will be assessed in 2.1 which gives as much data as possible. 
E.g. from the notation can you split the data into success rate / unsuccessful per half? 
Is the notation able to be completed by an independent person easily - is the criteria objective and not subjective?

When this is done & typed up it needs to go into your 2.4 dropbox folder.

Secondly,  complete a notation form that you made on an elite performer of your choice.

All work in electronically by Sunday morning.

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