Monday, October 8, 2012

Year 12 students

I am not going to be in your lesson on Tuesday, I apologise for this but will be back in on Wednesday.
From last lesson you should have completed your notation table for your main sport you will be taking practically along with finding an elite performer and completing a notation on them using the notation template you devised.
This MUST be brought with you as a hard copy to the lesson on Wednesday.
For Tuesday i would like you to jump back to unit 1 work.  Can you please complete the following:
  • Get a definition for what a lifetime sport is.
  • Give examples of 4 lifetime sports and justify your choices.
  • Draw up a simple table detailing the benefits of encouraging individuals to take part in lifetime sports, both for them as an individual but also for the country as a whole.
  • You should aim to come up with a minimum of ten benefits.

We will be ogoing through this at the beginning of Wendesdays lesson and then concentrating on unit 2 work.

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