Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Year 13 Students

I am not going to be in your lesson on Wednesday, could you please complete the following task.
We are now moving into the long term physiological aspects of the course. For part of this we have to look at long term adaptations / effects on the body which can occur when a performer takes part in a particular type of training.
An exemplar of this is below, looking at core stability. Can I ask you to please complete the empty resource for the following type of training I assign you.
Lisa - Continuous
A-L - Plyometric
Rayhaan - Weight/Circuit/Resistance
Conor - Fartlek
Bami - SAQ
Ensure this is completed and brought to the next lesson. Ideally can you complete electronically. If you have any problems with this please see me on Thursday as I will be back in school.

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