Sunday, November 25, 2012

Year 13 students

Another week and another course...could you please complete the following work during your Monday lesson.

Go back through your graphs that detail the effects of anxiety on performance to ensure what the graphs are showing you is enforced.

Aggression & Assertion.
Define aggression & assertion detailing the main differences.
Give examples of when you or a team mate has demonstrated both aggression and assertion, explain what made the examples either aggression or assertion.
Find examples of aggression or assertion in a sport from a you tube clip.
When you have found them can you please make two QR codes - one for each.  You make the QR codes by going to then click on 'YouTube video' on the left hand side.  Copy and paste what is in the YouTube address bar into the 'Video URL' box.  This will then create your unique QR code on the right hand side.
Download the QR code, copy your two seperate codes and copy into an email that you will send to me.

This MUST be done by the end of Monday.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Year 12 students

To assist you with your planning and time management between now and the end of term the following is a plan of work in both of your weekly lessons.
The format we will use will compromise of a tutorial in lesson 1 of the week (to take place in the pod) followed by an introduction of a new element of 2.4 work in lesson 2.
You will be expected to complete this new component and hand in electronically via dropbox by the end of Sunday the following week.
Feeback will be available via your support material folder.
Various elements (training analysis, 2.1 work) will be expected to be ongoing on top of the new areas introduced.

Week beginning                   Lesson 1                          Lesson 2
18th November                    Tutorials                         Mechanical analysis (including action photos)
25th November                    Tutorials                         Tactical - attack
2nd December                     Tutorials                          Tactical - defence & bending rules
9th December                      Tutorials                          Training analysis practical (fitness component)
16th December                    Tutorials                          Training analysis session hand in (to date)

A reminder that your current work that is due in is - elite performer notation including the evaluation of that performance and the comparision between yourself and the elite performer.  Physiological slides x 4 looking at energy systems, muscular contractions, bones

Any problems then please see me at any time during the week.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Year 13 students

Due to the ongoing course I am attending, could you please complete the following work in Wednesdays lessons:

  • Collect the final side of questions from the recent exam.  Fill in answers as a group based on your combined knowledge.  Leave the finished sheet on my desk.
Short term psychology.
Complete the following work in your books.

  • It is said that the most successful performers have:
  • 1.     Higher levels of self confidence
    2.     More Task Oriented Focus
    3.     Control over Anxiety Levels
    4.     More Determination and Commitment
  • Write down in a statement how a performer of your choice maintains their levels of the four points above.
  • Think back to when you have been at your most confident before a performance - what do you think you can attribute that to?
  • Bandura looked at self efficacy - self efficacy = self confidence in a particular situation
  • Using the model below, explain how you could help a performer with low self confidence prepare for a competition

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Year 13 students

I am not in your lesson on Monday due to being in Abu Dhabi.

Can i ask you to complete the following work:
On the whiteboard in L1 - gather all the information you have found on ergogenic aids, split the board into quartters and dedicate a quarter to one of the sub sections of;
Summarise the information on the ergogenic aid along with putting who it would benefit.

Take a photo of this board when it is complete, use the department camera or find one from the main office.  One of you download the photo and email a copy of it to me.

Then move to looking at Holding Camps.
Watch the clip below where athletes talk about their experiences and benefits of the holding camp they are in for the Athletics World Championships (the first 2 mins are the most relevant)
Then go to Sweet Search and look for information under the search 'Athletics Holding Camps'
Work through a few articles before devising your list of the most important benefits of a holding camp for an athlete.

Along with compiling the list in your notes i want you to click on the following link:
 Holding Camps Corkboard
Add notes to be able to have a full comment bank of the benefits in the short term to performers.

Keep the most beneficial articles for your folders.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Year 12 students

An update before we start back after the holidays.

With regards your 2.1 & 2.4 coursework, you should have already handed in:
  • 2.1 perfromance session plan
  • Risk assessment x 2
  • Child protection policy
  • Coaching session plan (if you have started coaching)
  • Additionally, you should be videoing as many of your performances as possible along with confirming the group of students you will be coaching with a designated teacher who leads the club.
  • Notation introduction - an overview as to what your notation includes and justifications to your choice of notation template
  • First notation on yourself in your specific template
  • Technical introduction - identifying your 4 key skills and justifying why they are the key skills
You need to hand in via dropbox, before our next lesson:
  • Training anlaysis introduction - with your fitness test results along with the skill you will be working on based on your notation
  • Movement analysis for each of the four key skills using the table we went through in the last lesson (on technical PowerPoint)
  • Tactical slide - how you and / or an elite performer would tactically use each of the key skills (4 slides in total)
We will be continuing to work at a quick rate to get the different elements completed.  If you do not stay on top of the specific hand in dates then you will struggle to complete the work to a suitable standard.
As it stands I do not seem to have any work in from either Kenny or Lewis via Dropbox.  Please rectify this by the lesson.

Refer back to the starter booklet for additional information.

Year 13 students

An update before we start back after the holidays.

Your exams are ready to give back to you, as soon as I have marked Conors we will go through this paper.

Work to complete - you should be looking at the short term ergogenic aids required with regard to technical preperation.

You need to have completed research into the designated area of either Physiological, Psychological, Chemical or Nutritional.
Completing info on the name of the ergogenic aid, overview of how it is supposed to benefit a performer and who it would specifically benefit.

Conor, as you were not in the lesson, can you please do research on 4 - 5 Physiological ergogenic aids.