Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Year 13 students

Due to the ongoing course I am attending, could you please complete the following work in Wednesdays lessons:

  • Collect the final side of questions from the recent exam.  Fill in answers as a group based on your combined knowledge.  Leave the finished sheet on my desk.
Short term psychology.
Complete the following work in your books.

  • It is said that the most successful performers have:
  • 1.     Higher levels of self confidence
    2.     More Task Oriented Focus
    3.     Control over Anxiety Levels
    4.     More Determination and Commitment
  • Write down in a statement how a performer of your choice maintains their levels of the four points above.
  • Think back to when you have been at your most confident before a performance - what do you think you can attribute that to?
  • Bandura looked at self efficacy - self efficacy = self confidence in a particular situation
  • Using the model below, explain how you could help a performer with low self confidence prepare for a competition

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