Saturday, November 17, 2012

Year 12 students

To assist you with your planning and time management between now and the end of term the following is a plan of work in both of your weekly lessons.
The format we will use will compromise of a tutorial in lesson 1 of the week (to take place in the pod) followed by an introduction of a new element of 2.4 work in lesson 2.
You will be expected to complete this new component and hand in electronically via dropbox by the end of Sunday the following week.
Feeback will be available via your support material folder.
Various elements (training analysis, 2.1 work) will be expected to be ongoing on top of the new areas introduced.

Week beginning                   Lesson 1                          Lesson 2
18th November                    Tutorials                         Mechanical analysis (including action photos)
25th November                    Tutorials                         Tactical - attack
2nd December                     Tutorials                          Tactical - defence & bending rules
9th December                      Tutorials                          Training analysis practical (fitness component)
16th December                    Tutorials                          Training analysis session hand in (to date)

A reminder that your current work that is due in is - elite performer notation including the evaluation of that performance and the comparision between yourself and the elite performer.  Physiological slides x 4 looking at energy systems, muscular contractions, bones

Any problems then please see me at any time during the week.

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