Sunday, January 25, 2015

A2 - Cover work Sunday 25th January

I am afraid that I will not be in your lesson 3 today.  Could you please complete the following work:

Last lesson you looked at what various players or managers spoke about as possible reasons they won or lost their last game.  These reasons can be split into one of four categories:

  • Internal stable (ability)
  • Internal unstable (effort)
  • External stable (task difficulty)
  • External unstable (luck)
Go back to the padlet from last lesson and look at the reasons you wrote down, you have for the most part put them down as controllable, uncontrollable, short term or long term aspects.  Now you need to add in which of the four categories from above each reason you stated falls into.

The diagram below can be used to explain the attribution theory.  Using the diagram, aim to explain the attribution process, use examples that you have already looked at to illustrate your answer.

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