Tuesday, January 13, 2015

AS - Thursday 15th January cover work

As I am away on Thursday, please complete the following work.

Come together in your groups from last lesson to work through / plan your responses on the scenarios you were given.  Remember to include, if necessary, the new three initiatives you were asked to research.

Work in pairs on one of your activities AoP responses, use the following questions as a guide.  If you have one coaching and one performing activity, this must be on your performing.

  1. What are your two main strengths from your conditioned performance?
  2. How do you know?
  3. What is your major weakness from your core skills?
  4. How do you know?
  5. What impact do your relevant strengths have on your performance in competition?
  6. How would you refine / modify your major weakness?
  7. What ways of measuring your performance, either successful or unsuccessful, would or do you use?
This must be voice recorded and be emailed to me.  You can use your mobile devices or you can use audioboom, the podcast programme you have previously used.

The log in details for this will be on my computer.

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