Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A2 - Thursday 15th Jan cover work

As I will not be in your lesson on Thursday please complete the following revision task.

The specification on the most recent section is below, please summarise this in a pad let (link below) or via using the hexagons and taking a photo.  You could even use the hexagons, take a photo and add it to the padlet…innovative.  The hexagons are on the top of my computer.

This MUST be in for our next lesson.  Please expect to answer some exam questions in our next lesson.

Short term psychological padlet

Motivation and stress control:

  • anxiety (cognitive and somatic, state and trait)
  • theories of anxiety and arousal (Drive Theory, inverted-U Hypothesis, Catastrophe Theory, zone of optimum performance) „ 
  • effects on technique, eg choking, aggression versus assertion


  • Mental rehearsal, use of visualisation and imagery, ‘self talk’, pre-game routines, relaxation techniques, somatic and cognitive techniques including PMR (Progressive Muscle Relaxation), control of aggression

External influences:

  • Home advantage, crowd effect, social facilitation, importance of competition, evaluation apprehension, strategies for coping

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