Friday, December 4, 2015

AS - Friday 4th December

After going back to look at A&P with Mr Richards you are now back on skill acquisition.

Watch the video below on ability making relevant notes.

Once you have watched it, go back to your response that you completed to the question on either a high jumper or a snowboard jump.  In a different pen extend the answer by explaining which types of ability the athlete would require to complete that specific skill.
You may want to use pages 136 - 137 in your textbooks to assist with extending this response.

Your skill continuum sheets and completed answers to these tasks.  Along with your A&P questions need to be completed for Mondays lesson.  Please ensure you have these with you.

Have a good weekend.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

AS - Tuesday 1st December

I hope that you enjoyed the first day of your Advent Calendars!

Now you have looked at skill continuums, placed activities onto those continuums and looked at practices which can improve skills based on the continuums you need to complete the following written task.

For one of the following skills you need to justify where it would fit on the relevant continuums before then designing suitable training session to develop this skill.  Keep referring to suitable theory as a way of explaining your answer.
  • High jump
  • Snowboard jump
This should be completed in continuous prose and remember to plan with 'IDEAS'

A2 - Tuesday 1st / Friday 4th December

Please complete the two sets of questions which are on my desk.  These should be completed by the end of Friday 4th December and handed in when I return.

Monday, November 30, 2015

AS - Monday 30th November

Watch the embedded video on methods of manipulating practice.  Take notes on the type of practice and how they link into the different skills on the continuums.

Consider the different skills / activities which you have placed on your continuums.  In a different colour put down which type of practice you would use to develop that skill / ability.  You need to be prepared to justify this in a written answer

Friday, November 27, 2015

AS - Friday 27th November

Continue with your continuums.  Now you have an understanding as to what constitutes the different skills on the continuums ensure you select three different skills from sports you play or know something about.

Place these on the continua and then explain in what part of the skill this placement is relevant to along with why you feel it is placed in this position.

A2 - Friday 27th November

Get the hexagons from the PE office, the pens are in the plastic bag.

Complete a hexagon map on the three developmental stages of athleticism in public schools

  • Stage one - culture of bullying, boys and brutality
  • Stage two - Dr Arnold, social control
  • Stage three - The cult of athleticism through melting pot and codification
Please email a photo of this to my school email address.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sports Leaders and Creating a Sporting Habit for Life overview

Sportivate and TOPS programme overview

AS - Initiatives trigger words

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

AS - Best value policy

The policy for Best Value with regards public leisure facilities can be found in the following link:

Best Value

Sunday, April 5, 2015

A2 - Revision

Dear all,

I hope that you have had a restful break, but that you are also starting your revision in ernest.

I will be checking up on the work you should have completed whilst I was away when we return.  This will finish up the course and now allow us to start the revision process.  Most of which will be focusing on the 20 mark questions.

To help with your depth of knowledge application I want you to analyse the pdf that is below.  I understand that some of the detail is cut off the side, but there is still enough on there for you to analyse.  It is information concerning an individuals performance in a half iron man, ordinarily there would be a swim but in this instance there wasn't.  So it was a 5km run, 90 km bike and 21km run.  The event took place in Abu Dhabi.

Discuss the long and short term considerations the athlete would have to undertake.  Aspects you may want to consider include:
  • Energy systems
  • Dietary manipulation, before, during and after the event
  • Environmental factors on performance - heat in this instance
  • How anxiety may control the performer
  • Ergogenic aids - specific kit in the short term and how it may have influenced their performance in the long term with technique
  • Recovery process - this is predominately after training / race but may include in the transitions
  • NACH vs NAFF
This is not an exhaustive list.

The most important aspect is your application of the theory to the context that is shown on the attached document.

Please complete for the end of the first week back - Thursday 16th April.  Email me with any issues you have.

Friday, April 3, 2015

AS - revision

Dear all,

I hope that you are having a good break and I hope that you are checking into this blog to assist with your revision!  Your feedback before the break highlighted the initiatives as a collective area that you wanted to improve.

Initiatives you need to understand are:
New Youth Sports strategy
Creating a sporting habit for life
Sports leaders UK
TOPS programme

You need to understand the programmes, how they may develop school-club links and the potential benefit to the individuals involved and / or the community.

Use the boxes below to add details on each of the initiatives.  Instead of define you should use this as describe the initiative.  Explain how the initiative works and then apply how it will benefit the individual and / or community.

You should be able to get two initiatives per sheet.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

A2 - cover work

Following on from Sundays 20 mark question.  The mark scheme is below.  Remember that this is the content marks, you will assessed on the way you have discussed or debated your thoughts in the essay.

Once that this has been marked, research the world class programme through UK Sport.  Look at the support that this national agency gives elite athletes who have potential to achieve success.

  • -  success in modern sport can now mean 100th of a second or a millimetre therefore every thing is done to achieve success
  • -  most elite squads now have access to a team of sports scientists
  • -  the new UKSI’s/other nations institutes offer these services
  • -  physiology and physiotherapist the most established science support
  • -  physiologists look at types of training required/analysis/energy demands
  • -  physiologist would set up training programmes
  • -  use of heart rate and threshold knowledge
  • -  Physiotherapist look after injured athletes/repairs
  • -  Also manage rehabilitation programmes
  • -  Nutrionists work to identify energy demands linked to diet/ weight
    management/ nutrition recovery strategies /managing diet linked to training
  • -  Sports psychologists also now working with most elite teams
  • -  Psychologists work with motivation and arousal levels
  • -  Set goals with teams and individuals
  • -  May help coach/managers with player analysis
  • -  Biomechanics looks at technique/movement analysis
  • -  Clothing/equipment/reducing drag/friction/body suits
  • -  Biomechanics aim is to make movement more efficient
  • -  England Rugby team also use a spatial awareness coach/other named
  • -  Use of technology such as computer analysis/ pro zone/kandle/dartfish as used
    by England Rugby Team
  • -  Most elite squads also use statistics to rack a players involvement in games 

A2 - Cover work

Having completed the research into different support roles on Thursday, please complete the following 20 mark question in Sundays lesson.

Success in global sport now requires good leadership and state-of-the-art scientific back up.
Discuss, using examples, the role that sports science now plays in the long term preparation of elite sports performers. (20 marks) 

I will be putting up the mark scheme for tomorrows lesson so please ensure this is completed today.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

A2 - cover work

Please complete the following work on Thursday 19th March.  It should be completed for Sunday 22nd March.

We have been looking at pathways for individuals to reach the elite level in four different countries.  Some of these pathways are centralised (East Germany), some decentralised (USA) and also a combination (Australia and UK).

In each of these countries, a common theme is that they receive elite support from a range of specialists.  Indeed, this is a significant benefit of the institute / academy model, especially if it is based at a University.

Athletes receive lots of different levels of support, from Physiologists, Psychologists and Biomechanists.

You need to understand the support offered by various groups of people to performers.

How technological development has improved performance (Prozone, Dartfish, Biomechanical analysis of technique). Or, reduced performance (Javelin case study on page 171).

Research the following roles – Exercise Physiologist, Sports Psychiatrist, Nutritionist, Sports vision specialist, Biomechanist, Podiatrist.  You are looking at what their main job role is and how they may benefit a performer (may want to split up, but is imperative you have notes on and understand each of these roles)

Look at how elite athletes can benefit from these support systems

Useful websites: (look through the technology section)

AS - cover work

Please complete the following work on Thursday 19th March.

'Discuss how conflict has impacted on the provision of Physical Education / PT in schools'

Before answering his question, collaborate on the following padlet - AS conflict padlet

Use the IDEAS principle to structure your response.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

A2 - Cohesion article

KP cohesion article

A2 - Vision link, memory and memory questions

Please look at the following link and use the menu on the left hand side of the page to learn more about aspects involved with visual awareness.  Once you have accessed an aspect from the left hand side menu you will be able to see articles, application to sport and videos / articles on how to develop that aspect of vision.

Sports Vision Magazine

What is meant by short-term memory and long-term memory. 2 marks

How can information be retained in the long-term memory? 4 marks

Using the example of a table tennis player receiving a serve what information would be held in the short-term sensory store, and for how long? 2 marks

Name and describe the purpose of the process by which information is transferred from the short-term sensory store to the short-term memory. 4 marks

What types of information would you use (if you were a table tennis player receiving a serve) from your short-term memory? 3 marks

What types of information would you use (if you were a table tennis player receiving a serve) from your long-term memory? 3 marks

Monday, February 9, 2015

AS - Barriers to participation and solutions to overcome them

Badminton is a popular physical activity amongst women. Suggest reasons why female participation rates are relatively high in this activity.
(4 marks) Jun 13

How can schools encourage more females to take part in physical activity? 
(4 marks) Jun 11

The Active People Survey (2010 – 2011), conducted by Sport England, found that less than 10 per cent of disabled people regularly took part in physical activity.
Discuss the suggestion that disabled participants have equal opportunities to take part in sport.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

AS - Sportivate / Creating a sporting habit for life



Sunday, January 25, 2015

A2 - Cover work Sunday 25th January

I am afraid that I will not be in your lesson 3 today.  Could you please complete the following work:

Last lesson you looked at what various players or managers spoke about as possible reasons they won or lost their last game.  These reasons can be split into one of four categories:

  • Internal stable (ability)
  • Internal unstable (effort)
  • External stable (task difficulty)
  • External unstable (luck)
Go back to the padlet from last lesson and look at the reasons you wrote down, you have for the most part put them down as controllable, uncontrollable, short term or long term aspects.  Now you need to add in which of the four categories from above each reason you stated falls into.

The diagram below can be used to explain the attribution theory.  Using the diagram, aim to explain the attribution process, use examples that you have already looked at to illustrate your answer.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

A2 - Attribution

I have to be away from school lesson 2 today, apologies.

Working in pairs, go onto YouTube and find a two videos of different coaches in a post match press conference / interview after their team have lost (football managers are your best source).

Note down all the reasons that they give for why their team lost.  For each reason consider if that is something that is controllable or uncontrollable by the players and if the reasons are points that can change in the long term or short term.

Upload the videos and write down your notes on each video into the following Padlet:

Attribution Padlet

Based on there being three groups and each group finding two videos, there should be six posts by the end of the lesson.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A2 - Thursday 15th Jan cover work

As I will not be in your lesson on Thursday please complete the following revision task.

The specification on the most recent section is below, please summarise this in a pad let (link below) or via using the hexagons and taking a photo.  You could even use the hexagons, take a photo and add it to the padlet…innovative.  The hexagons are on the top of my computer.

This MUST be in for our next lesson.  Please expect to answer some exam questions in our next lesson.

Short term psychological padlet

Motivation and stress control:

  • anxiety (cognitive and somatic, state and trait)
  • theories of anxiety and arousal (Drive Theory, inverted-U Hypothesis, Catastrophe Theory, zone of optimum performance) „ 
  • effects on technique, eg choking, aggression versus assertion


  • Mental rehearsal, use of visualisation and imagery, ‘self talk’, pre-game routines, relaxation techniques, somatic and cognitive techniques including PMR (Progressive Muscle Relaxation), control of aggression

External influences:

  • Home advantage, crowd effect, social facilitation, importance of competition, evaluation apprehension, strategies for coping

AS - Thursday 15th January cover work

As I am away on Thursday, please complete the following work.

Come together in your groups from last lesson to work through / plan your responses on the scenarios you were given.  Remember to include, if necessary, the new three initiatives you were asked to research.

Work in pairs on one of your activities AoP responses, use the following questions as a guide.  If you have one coaching and one performing activity, this must be on your performing.

  1. What are your two main strengths from your conditioned performance?
  2. How do you know?
  3. What is your major weakness from your core skills?
  4. How do you know?
  5. What impact do your relevant strengths have on your performance in competition?
  6. How would you refine / modify your major weakness?
  7. What ways of measuring your performance, either successful or unsuccessful, would or do you use?
This must be voice recorded and be emailed to me.  You can use your mobile devices or you can use audioboom, the podcast programme you have previously used.

The log in details for this will be on my computer.

Sunday, January 11, 2015